Tuesday, June 10, 2014

STEM Revisited

As merry as is the chaos of our collective clan gathered, thirty-something of us altogether, although no one stands still long enough to be counted, there is a unique quality to sharing one-on-one, that is resplendent with  experiences not possible when the whole fam-damily is huddled.

When our kids were growing up, we called these interludes STEM (Special Times Exclusively with Mama). Having read somewhere that Suzanna Wesley set aside an hour each week to spend with each of her seventeen (or was it twenty-one?) children, I set out to do the same. Surely, if Sister Suzy could manage this without the modern conveniences at my fingertips--running water, electricity, dishwasher, automatic dryer, AND disposable diapers--I could do likewise. My wise husband, totally a champion of the idea, although leary of the mathematical equation that would allow for the extra hours woven into our schedule, suggested we dub it a "special time" rather than designating an increment of sixty minutes. And so, the children drew straws at week's beginning to determine their STEM that was tucked in around homeschooling and nap time. They then chose their activity. Interestingly, no one requestd breakfast at Tiffany's or a trip to Disnyeworld. Their hearts' desires included sailing their boat down by the creek, playing a game of checkers, or reading this book...just us two. A son once asked if he might learn how to sew on a button. One little baker requested only to add the ingredients all by herself and to lick the bowl sans siblings. Sometimes, with laundry piled high  and no conceptual plan for dinner,  I felt certain Candyland might send me right over the edge. However, at the first roll of the dice and giggle from my gaming-partner, all sense of urgency drained and I, too, was blissfully content in the present moment. Often, it was only a few minutes until the boat-sailing child was distracted and chasing frogs or the checker-player had "kinged" and jumped me right off the board. We each returned to our day refreshed.

But I have digressed....
Recently, Dasha our granddaughter, shared a week of STEG (Special Time Exclusively with Grandmoni). Creativity and energy abounding, with a penchant for pets and all-things-Geman,  Dasha reconnected with family and made new friends. We painted with an auntie in Athens, home to UGA where Dasha hopes to go to veterinary school one day, and visited another auntie in north Georgia at UNG where her daddy started out years ago.

Happily, the week included a sprinkling of STEGG moments (Special Times Exclusively with Great Granparents). Granpa, at ninety-three loved teasing and sparring with this girl, and spoiling her just a bit with his famous root beer floats. Ever-smiling, beautiful Gramma just grabbed all the hugs she could gather. Undoubtably, a summer highlight for the patriarch and matriarch of our family will be reminiscing about STED (Special Time Exclusivelywith Dasha)!

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